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        The college participates the 4th Member Congress of CTEA and the China Tourism Education Forum

        By Dong Quanyue | Qingdao Vocational and Technical College of Hotel Management

        From March 3 to 5, President Jiang Yupeng led the team to attend the 4th Member Congress of China Tourism Education Association (CTEA)and the China Tourism Education Forum. The forum was hosted by the Tourism Education Branch of the China Tourism Association and held by the School of Tourism of Sun Yat-sen University. More than 400 people from all over the country, including experts, scholars, special guests, and member representatives, attended the meeting.

        The conference deliberated and adopted the work report and financial report of the third council and elected the fourth council. The college was elected as the fourth vice president unit, and Jiang Yupeng was elected as the fourth vice president.

        President Jiang Yupeng participated in the first session of the Chairman's Work Conference of the Tourism Education Branch and delivered a keynote speech at the round-table forum on Exploration and Practice of Promoting the Construction of the Specialty Curriculum System of Study Tourism Management and Service with the Development of National Teaching Standards. Shi Meishan, president of the School of Culture and Tourism, presided over the parallel forum of Innovation and Transformation of Tourism Vocational Education Talent Training Mode in the Digital Era.

        They had in-depth exchanges and discussions with experts on the challenges, changes and actions of tourism education in the new era. In the work report of the third session of the Council, Bao Jigang, president of CTEA, quoted many typical cases of our college in talent training, professional development, teacher training, skills competition and other aspects, fully demonstrating our school level and outstanding contributions.

        The conference released the Blue Book of China's Tourism Education (2021-2022), and the college's Seizing the opportunity, consolidating the foundation, and breaking through the overall improvement - building a national brand of comprehensive vocational education in the hospitality industry was included as a typical case.